Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Journey Begins...

In truth, this journey began about two months ago as we voluntarily threw ourselves headfirst into our new surroundings. It will last at least another ten, possibly more. For those of you just joining us, an introduction is in order.

Key Players: Myself and my husband, Ash.

Background: Former residents of beautiful Colorado, USA.

Why: We felt called to have an adventure before settling down and starting a family!

Location: Japan

And so starts my attempt to chronicle our thoughts, observations, and experiences in a land far, far away. Stay tuned for the next installment...

* * * * * * * * * *

At the request of my husband, I feel obliged to divulge his "pet name" for this blog. Considered exclusive knowledge, I share it with those of you who were kind enough to read this first post.

::drum roll::

"Plastic Rainbow Smack by Star".

::wild clapping and hooting::

There's a very good chance that you can expect more of these delightful (and random) side notes in the posts to come!


Anonymous said...

Nice web site! Looking forward to reading some interesting "Japan insights" from American perspective!

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful site! I can't wait to read more!

Anonymous said...

Plastic Rainbow Smack-HAHAHA! Thanks for writing this all down for us to read and enjoy. It makes me feel like maybe you guys aren't in a galaxy far far away...


Anonymous said...

Why, hello there! I just stumbled upon your blog. This is Lee, BTW. I love getting your emails, and now I have this to check too! I'm looking forward to more stories. *begin shameless plug* Hey, you should check out my blog! It's here!


Star said...

::beam!!:: It's good to hear from everyone! I'm enjoying the experience of flexing my writing muscles. Glad to hear you're all enjoying the site, it helps fuel my motivation!