This was the sweet sweet sight that unfolded before us around 3:00pm Saturday afternoon. After nine hours of traversing the countryside (which was actually easier than you might think despite the language barrier), we had arrived at our haven for the night.
Welcome to Pechika!
Looks cozy doesn’t it? Well, I can tell you it WAS! The dinner they served us was delectable (tender melt-in-your-mouth fish that didn’t taste like fish at all steamed in a white wine sauce, yum!), the Japanese-style bath could be turned into a private one (there’s nothing quite like soaking weary bones in crystalline, steamy hot water without worrying about strangers sauntering in to share the space), and the innkeepers were both friendly & seemingly impressed by our stuttering attempts to communicate in their native tongue.
I’d also like to extend my admiration to our innkeepers in the area of cleanliness. This place was seriously spotless, from the dining area to the dorm-style restrooms. There wasn’t a speck of dust or grime anywhere. Having kept house here on the island these past few months, I know what an amazing accomplishment this is.
Final Impression: Well worth another visit.
Warm, comfortable, and satiated, we rested for the much anticipated day ahead of us.
Now that you mention it, this place really was similar to a nice B&B cottage. It only had 8 sleeping rooms, each of which could theoretically house 3 guests. Definitely a nice change of pace from your typical chain hotel.
More pics are in the works... Patience, grasshoppah!
PS- I feel your pain, even I have to type in the accursed squiggly letters to put up a comment. But it's better than having to deal with spam postings.
Star--thanks for the warning about eating slimy chicken in Japan.
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