Saturday, April 08, 2006

The Sting of Defeat

Make that 13 stings, each more painful than the last. At first it was only 7, and we were smarting, but the wall wasn't insurmountable. Then I glanced at my computer screen for 30 seconds for no good reason before returning my attention to the television.

The last 6 stings struck without me even noticing.

We were once a "Pacific League doormat". Then we were champions. And now... now we're one step above doormat, which everyone knows is housecat.

There was no ceasefire granted in mercy this day, and at the end of it all, the scoreboard read:

Eagles: 13
Marines: 0

Lotte still has cool chants and loud Taico drums on their side, and it's a new day. Just take it one game at a time guys and shake off the building psychological pressure more losses than wins tend to produce. We can still have a respectable season.

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